terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2013

The scheme of correspondence and its role in children’s mathematics

The scheme of correspondence and its role in children’s mathematics
Terezinha Nunes*, Peter Bryant, Deborah Evans and Daniel Bell

There are two theories about the origin of children’s understanding of
multiplicative reasoning. One is that multiplicative reasoning has its origin in repeated
addition. The other is that children’s scheme of one-to-many correspondence is the
origin of their multiplicative reasoning, while addition and subtraction originate from
the schemes of joining and separating.

The aim of this paper was to assess the evidence for these two theories and
provide new relevant evidence.

Two studies were carried out with children from state-supported schools
that served a varied constituency with respect to socio-economic background. Neither
sample had been taught about multiplication or division in school.

In the first study, the children’s progress in multiplicative reasoning was
assessed after one group received instruction on one-to-many correspondences and
the other on repeated addition. In the second study, the intervention group was shown
how to use correspondences to solve multiplicative reasoning problems and the
control group solved visual non-numerical problems.

In the first study, with children aged 6–7 years, the correspondence group
made significantly more progress in multiplicative reasoning problems than the
repeated addition group. The second study showed that it is possible to teach young
children (aged 4–5 years) to solve multiplicative reasoning problems. In both studies,
additive or multiplicative reasoning in the pre-test was a specific predictor of post-test
performance on the same type of task.

The results support the theory that the scheme of one-to-many
correspondences is the origin of children’s multiplicative reasoning. This finding has
important educational implications.

Cardinal numbers are used in primary school mathematics to represent two things:
quantities and relations. Thompson (1993) suggested that ‘a person constitutes a
quantity by conceiving of a quality of an object in such a way that he or she understands
the possibility of measuring it. Quantities, when measured, have numerical value, but we
need not measure them or know their measures to reason about them.’ (pp. 165–166).
So if we think that we could count the number of children in the class who like
mathematics, we would be establishing the quantity ‘children who like maths’. If we say
‘12 children in this class like maths’, the number 12 represents this quantity.
We also use numbers to represent relations between quantities: if we say that ‘there
are 2 more girls than boys in the classroom’, the number two refers to a relation
between two quantities. We could also say that there are two fewer boys than girls in the
classroom. The two sentences express the same relation between these two quantities;
one is simply expressed as the converse of the other.
It is undoubtedly important that children understand quantities and how numbers
represent them. But this is not sufficient for learning mathematics. Mathematics is a
science of relations. According to Thompson (1993), ‘Quantitative reasoning is the
analysis of a situation into a quantitative structure – a network of quantities and
quantitative relationships … A prominent characteristic of reasoning quantitatively is
that numbers and numeric relationships are of secondary importance, and do not enter
into the primary analysis of a situation. What is important is relationships among
quantities’ (p. 165).
This paper analyses the role that the scheme of correspondence plays in children’s
understanding of relations between quantities. No one would dispute the claim that
one-to-one correspondence is a sine qua non for counting, and philosophers as well as
researchers of children’s development have suggested that knowledge of correspon-
dence relations is at the root of understanding equivalences between sets in the absence
of counting (Decock, 2008; Frydman & Bryant, 1988; Piaget, 1952a). The focus in this
paper is on the scheme of one-to-many correspondence and the role that it plays in
children’s understanding of multiplicative relations. We argue that the scheme of
correspondence provides children with a natural and effective foundation for
understanding relations between quantities, and that schools could build on this
scheme to advance children’s awareness of the very notion of modelling the world
through mathematics.
In the first section, we review briefly evidence that children use their informally
learned knowledge of one-to-many correspondence to solve multiplication and division
problems before they start to be taught about multiplication and division in school.
The knowledge of how to use one-to-many correspondences to solve multiplication and
division problems is informal in the sense that it can be learned outside school (for a
definition of informal knowledge in this sense, see Ginsburg, 1982). In the second
section, we present two empirical studies which show that it is possible to improve
children’s ability to solve multiplication and division problems by teaching them to use
one-to-many correspondence effectively. We suggest that this form of teaching is
effective in brief interventions because it builds on children’s informal knowledge. In the
final section, we discuss the implications of these results for further research and for
The scheme of one-to-many correspondence and multiplicative reasoning
In the last two decades, mathematics educators (e.g. Confrey, 1994; Confrey & Harel,
1994; Steffe, 1994; Thompson, 1994; Vergnaud, 1982, 1983) have described problems
that are solved by addition and subtraction as ‘additive reasoning’ and problems that are
solved by multiplication and division as ‘multiplicative reasoning’ problems.
This categorization focuses on the nature of the relations between quantities rather
Q1 than the specific arithmetic operations that are used to solve problems. It also reflects
the view that the links between addition and subtraction, on the one hand, and between
multiplication and division, on the other, are conceptual and based on the relations
between quantities. In contrast, the links between addition and multiplication and those
between subtraction and division are procedural: you can multiply by carrying out
repeated additions and divide by using repeated subtractions.
The distinction between additive and multiplicative reasoning raises the question of
what is the origin of multiplicative reasoning. Fischbein, Deri, Nello, and Marino (1985)
proposed that children use an intuitive implicit model for each arithmetical operation,
and that the model that they adopt to help them understand multiplication is repeated
addition. This idea has influenced a large number of studies (e.g. Bell, Greer, Grimison, &
Mangan, 1989; Clark & Kamii, 1996; Mulligan & Mitchelmore, 1997) in which the
researchers distinguish between repeated addition and multiplication but nevertheless
hypothesize that the origin of multiplicative reasoning is repeated addition.
The view that multiplicative reasoning stems from repeated addition has been
influential not only in research but also in educational practice. Recommendations are
often made that children should be taught about multiplication starting from the idea of
repeated addition (e.g. The National Strategies, 2009).
Three types of evidence have been advanced to support the claim that the origin of
children’s understanding of multiplication is in repeated addition. First, when children
are asked to make up stories that would be solved by a multiplication operation (e.g.
3 £ 5), they create repeated addition stories more frequently than other types of stories
(Brown, 1981). The second type of evidence is indirect: it is assumed that children hold
repeated addition as the implicit model of multiplication because they believe that
multiplication always ‘makes bigger’ (e.g. Greer, 1992), a belief that leads them astray
when they have to multiply a number by a fraction (e.g. 10 £ 0:5). The third type of
evidence is that children’s strategies for solving multiplication problems can be
described as ‘repeated addition’ (e.g. Anghileri, 1989). However, all three of these
observations are about responses that could result from the children’s school learning.
In all these studies, the children had been taught about multiplication as repeated
addition. We cannot be certain that repeated addition is the implicit model that they
bring to school from their everyday experiences. The use of repeated addition as a
problem-solving strategy may be a consequence of the procedural connections, which
are encouraged by teachers, and which children form between repeated addition and
multiplication, rather than a demonstration that the natural origin of multiplicative
reasoning is in repeated addition. So, the evidence for the claim that children’s implicit
model of multiplication is repeated addition is questionable, despite its undoubted
influence. At best, the evidence suggests that children who are taught about
multiplication as repeated addition use this procedure to solve multiplication problems
and, perhaps from this practice, draw the inference that multiplication makes bigger.
There is an alternative view of the origins of children’s multiplicative reasoning.
It is that their understanding of multiplication is founded, not on addition, but on one-
to-many correspondence. This view rests on the analysis of the relations that define
additive and multiplicative reasoning and also on children’s actions when solving
multiplicative reasoning problems before they receive instruction in school. Additive
reasoning involves understanding part–whole relations. In additive reasoning problems,
one may be asked to find a whole given the parts (a þ b ¼ ?), find a part given the whole
and the other part (a þ ? ¼ b), or find the difference between two wholes (in
comparison problems). The whole may be constituted by static parts (e.g. five boys and
seven girls in the class) or by a transformation (e.g. Connie had five marbles and won
seven marbles in a game; how many marbles does she have now?). In contrast,
multiplicative reasoning is based on the idea of an invariant relationship between two
quantities. This constant relation is called a ratio and can be symbolized as x ¼ f ð yÞ.
This hypothesis, originally proposed by Piaget (1952a) and developed later by
Vergnaud (1983) and by Nunes and Bryant (1996), is supported also by some researchers
in mathematics education (e.g. Thompson, 1994) and professional mathematicians
(Devlin, 2008a,b). These authors recognize the procedural connections between
addition and multiplication, but do not regard them as conceptual connections.
To paraphrase Devlin (2008a), you can walk to work or go by car and you will get to
the same place; but this does not mean that the two are the same thing.
Piaget (1952a) pioneered research on how the scheme of one-to-many
correspondence helps children deal with multiplicative reasoning problems. His
studies investigated children’s understanding of multiplicative equivalences. He asked
children to put one red flower in each of a set of vases; after these were removed,
the children placed one blue flower in each vase. All the flowers were then removed
and only the vases were left on the table; the children were asked to take from a box
the right number of tubes to place one flower in each tube. Piaget reports that many
5-year-olds succeeded in constructing the set of tubes with the same number as the
flowers by placing two tubes in correspondence with each vase. This success, Piaget
argued, was due to the children’s understanding that if set A (flowers) has a 2:1 ratio
to set B (vases), and set C (tubes) also has a 2:1 ratio to set B, then A and C are
Since Piaget’s pioneering work, other researchers have shown that children can
construct equivalent sets in sharing when they need to take ratio into account. Frydman
and Bryant (1988, 1994) asked children to share sweets fairly to two different recipients;
the size of the units that each recipient was to be given was different – for example, one
recipient received units that were three times the size of the units given to the other.
The children succeeded in constructing fair shares by using one-to-many correspon-
dences in the sharing procedure: for each treble unit they gave to recipient A, they gave
three singles to recipient B.
Later research showed that children successfully use the one-to-many correspon-
dence scheme to solve multiplicative reasoning problems before they had been taught
about multiplication and division in school. Kouba (1989) asked young children in the
USA to solve multiplicative reasoning problems such as: at a party, there were six cups
and five marshmallows in each cup; how many marshmallows were there? In a series of
problems, children were asked to supply a missing piece of information, which could be
the product (in this case, the total number of marshmallows) or either of the factors (the
number of groups or the number of elements in the group).
For the children in first and second grade, who had not received instruction on
multiplication and division, the most important factor in predicting the children’s
solutions was which quantity was unknown: the product, the number of groups, or the
number of elements in the group. For example, in the problem above, about the six cups
with five marshmallows in each cup, when the size of the groups was known (i.e. the
number of marshmallows in each cup), the children used correspondence strategies:
they paired objects (or tallies to represent the objects) to something that represented
the cups and counted or added, creating one-to-many correspondences between the
cups and the marshmallows. If they needed to find the total number of marshmallows,
they pointed five times to a cup (or its representation) and counted to five, paused,
and then counted from 6 to 10 as they pointed to the second ‘cup’, until they reached
the solution. Alternatively, they may have added the number of marshmallows as they
pointed to the ‘cup’.
In contrast, when the number of elements in each group was not known, the
children used dealing strategies: they shared out one marshmallow (or its
representation) to each cup, and then another, until they reached the end, and then
counted the number in each cup. Although these actions look quite different, their aims
are the same: to establish one-to-many correspondences between the marshmallows and
the cups.
Kouba’s description of the children’s strategies makes it clear that the method used
for quantifying the response could be counting or adding. The scheme of
correspondence provided the model for the problem solution: the children counted
or added the number of marshmallows as they pointed to each cup. Addition as a form
of counting was observed only when the size of the groups was known: when it was
not, the children used sharing or dealing, which established the correspondence
relations, and then counted the items in each group to determine the value of the
quantities. Kouba’s description leaves it clear that correspondences were used to
represent the relations; counting or addition was procedures used to determine the
Kouba observed that 43% of the strategies used by the children, including first,
second, and third graders, were appropriate. Most of the appropriate strategies adopted
by the first and second grade children were based on correspondences: they tended to
use either direct or partial representations (i.e. tallies for one variable and counting or
adding for the other); few used recall of multiplication facts. The recall of number facts
was significantly higher among children in the third grade, who had been taught about
this way of solving problems.
The level of success observed by Kouba among children who had not yet received
instruction was modest in comparison to that observed in two subsequent studies,
where the ratios were easier. Becker (1993) asked kindergarten children in the USA,
aged 4–5 years, to solve problems in which the correspondences were 2:1 or 3:1. The
children were more successful with 2:1 than 3:1 correspondences, a result also reported
by Frydman and Bryant (1988) and Piaget (1952a). The level of success improved with
age. The overall level of correct responses achieved by 5-year-olds was 81%. This is
clearly a high level of success for children who had not received any instruction on
multiplicative reasoning and who were just starting to learn about addition and
subtraction at school. Carpenter, Ansell, Franke, Fennema, and Weisbeck (1993) also
gave multiplicative reasoning problems to US kindergarten children involving
correspondences of 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1. They observed 71% correct responses to these
These success rates leave no doubt that many young children start school with some
understanding of one-to-many correspondence, which they can use to learn to solve
multiplicative reasoning problems in school. The results do not imply that children who
use one-to-many correspondence to solve multiplicative reasoning problems
consciously recognize that in a multiplicative situation there is a fixed ratio linking
the two variables. Their actions maintain a fixed ratio between the quantities but it is
most likely that this invariance remains, in Vergnaud’s (1997) terminology, as a ‘theorem
in action’.
In summary, there has been for some time a theory that suggests that repeated
addition is the implicit model that children use to make sense of the operation of
multiplication: so repeated addition would be the origin of children’s understanding
of multiplicative relations. Although the influence of this model both in research and
in practice is considerable, the evidence for it is ambiguous. Most of it comes from
studies of children who have already received instruction about multiplication as
repeated addition in school: thus the children might have developed this conception
of multiplication as repeated addition as a consequence of the school instruction
that they received. An alternative view is that children’s implicit model for
multiplicative relations is one-to-many correspondence. Children use one-to-many
correspondences to solve multiplicative reasoning problems before they are taught
about multiplication and division in school. They are in fact developing their
understanding of additive and multiplicative relations at the same time when they
start school.
The effect of learning to use the scheme of one-to-many correspondence on solving
multiplicative reasoning problems
We report here two studies in which we analysed children’s improvement in solving
multiplicative reasoning problems after being taught how to use the scheme of one-to-
many correspondence.
The first study (Park & Nunes, 2001) compared the effectiveness of teaching children
(aged between 6 and 7 years) about repeated addition with teaching them about
correspondences in promoting their later success in multiplicative reasoning problems.
This study has been published but we present here some additional information not
included in its previous publication. The second study aimed at assessing whether it is
possible to improve young children’s performance in multiplicative reasoning when
they are in their first year in school (aged 4–5 years), before they have made much
progress in computation using addition.

Park and Nunes (2001) reasoned that, if the scheme of one-to-many correspondence
offers children an insight into multiplicative relations whereas repeated addition only
provides them with a procedure to find a quantity, children taught to solve
multiplication problems by using correspondences between two variables would
improve more in solving multiplicative reasoning problems than other children, taught
about multiplication as repeated addition. Children taught about correspondences
would have the opportunity to construct a model of the relations between variables,
which could be used flexibly in solving multiplicative reasoning problems. Children
taught to solve repeated addition problems would be essentially using addition as a
procedure to determine a total quantity but would not have the opportunity to develop
an implicit model of a fixed ratio between two variables.

The children (N ¼ 42) in this study were in Year 2 in two different schools in
Buckinghamshire (UK); their mean age was 6 years 7 months. According to their
teachers, they had received instruction on addition and subtraction in school but not yet
on multiplication and division.

The children were given a pre-test and a post-test, in which they were asked to solve
additive and multiplicative reasoning problems. Between the pre- and post-tests, they
participated in a brief intervention, during which they solved multiplicative reasoning
problems with the support of the researcher. They were randomly assigned to either a
repeated addition group or to a one-to-many correspondence group. During the
intervention, the children in the two groups were given the same number of problems
(16) with the same numerical descriptions. However, the children in the repeated
addition group were asked to solve one-variable problems about joining sets, whereas
those in the one-to-many correspondence group solved problems that involved two
quantities related by a fixed ratio. For example, the children in the repeated addition
intervention were presented with this problem: ‘Tom has 3 toy cars. Anne has 3 dolls.
How many toys do they have altogether?’. There is one total quantity in this problem,
number of toys, and two parts to it, number of cars and number of dolls. In contrast, the
one-to-many correspondence problem of the same numerical description (2 £ 3) was:
‘Amy’s Mum is making two pots of tomato soup. She wants to put three tomatoes in each
pot of soup. How many tomatoes does she need?’ This problem involves two variables,
number of tomatoes and number of pots of soup, which are related by a fixed ratio:
three tomatoes for one pot of soup.

The intervention was carried out in two sessions. In the first session, the problems
were presented to the children orally and with the support of a picture. Figure 1 shows
the relevant picture for the examples above. In the second session, the children had
fewer pictorial cues: for example, instead of there being three bananas on a page, the
number 3 would be next to a banana. Throughout the two sessions, the children were
given blocks that they could use to solve the problems, if they found that they needed
to count.
Figure 1. One example of parallel items presented to the correspondence and to repeated addition
groups. (a) Correspondence group. The picture in the booklet was shown to the child. The experimenter
said: ‘Amy’s Mum is making two pots of tomato soup. She wants to put three tomatoes in each pot of
soup. How many tomatoes does she need?’; (b) Repeated addition group. The picture in the booklet was
shown to the child. The experimenter said: ‘Tom has three toy cars. Anne has three dolls. How many
toys do they have together?
The problems used during the intervention always included information about the
unit ratio: in the example above, Amy’s Mum used three tomatoes for each pot of soup
that she made. In the pre- and post-tests, two of the problems did not involve the unit
ratio: for example, the children were asked: ‘Two cupcakes cost 8 pence. You buy
4 cupcakes. How much do you have to pay?’. The inclusion of problems without the unit
ratio was considered an important test of the flexibility of the children’s use of relational
reasoning beyond what they had been taught during the intervention. The problem can
be solved by repeated addition but it is known that children make more mistakes in
problems that do not present the unit ratio than in those in which the unit ratio is
explicit (Hart, 1981; Ricco, 1982).
When the children were not able to solve a problem during the intervention, the
researcher helped them use the blocks to represent the quantities and then asked them
to solve the problem (for the details, see Park & Nunes, 2001).

At pre-test, the mean number of correct responses (out of 8) in the addition problems
was 3.74, SD ¼ 2:51, and in the multiplication problems it was 2.95, SD ¼ 2:18. The
distribution of scores in both sets of problems was not skewed. The difference between
the means for the addition and multiplication problems was statistically significant,
according to a t test for correlated samples (t ¼ 2:75, df ¼ 41, p , :01). These pre-test
results demonstrate two things. First, there were no floor or ceiling effects in either set
of problems. Thus, the children had not received instruction on multiplication but
demonstrated some competence in solving multiplication problems. This competence
is likely to be acquired through informal learning, as they had not received school
instruction about multiplication, and we can hypothesize that pre-test performance will
be a strong predictor of post-test performance. Second, their performance was higher in
the addition problems, about which they had received instruction in school.
However, there was still room for much improvement, as shown by the mean and
standard deviation observed at pre-test in the addition problems and by the absence of a
ceiling effect.
It was predicted that both groups would make significant progress from pre- to
post-tests, but that the children in the correspondence intervention group would make
more progress in the multiplicative reasoning problems than those in the repeated
addition group. In contrast, the children in the correspondence group were expected to
make less progress in additive reasoning problems than the repeated addition group.
The first prediction was supported by a significant difference between the groups in
the post-test as a function of type of intervention. In the post-test, the mean number of
correct responses to multiplicative reasoning problems for the children in the
correspondence intervention group was 6.05 (SD ¼ 1:56) and for the children in the
repeated addition group the mean was 3.76 (SD ¼ 2:34). Both groups made some
progress from pre- to post-tests but the children in the correspondence intervention
group made significantly more progress in multiplicative reasoning problems than those
in the repeated addition group. This difference supports the hypothesis that
correspondence reasoning is a stronger basis for children to learn about multiplicative
reasoning than repeated addition. The stringent controls used in this design (random
assignment to the groups, same number of problems during the intervention) give us
confidence in this conclusion.
Contrary to our expectation, the two groups made similar amounts of progress in
additive reasoning problems: both performed significantly better at post-test than they
had performed at pre-test, and the difference between the groups in the additive
problems was not significant. It is possible that the progress that the children in the
correspondence group made through the intervention was not specific to using
the joining and separating schemes: during the intervention both groups had the
experience of representing quantities with blocks and using them to find the answers.
This experience could have enhanced the children’s general problem-solving skills and,
consequently, led them to use more effectively additive reasoning schemes, which they
grasped better than the correspondence scheme at pre-test, perhaps as a result of their
previous school instruction. This hypothesis about developing general numerical skills
would also explain the progress that the children in the repeated addition group made in
multiplicative reasoning problems; they performed better at post-test through a more
efficient use of their general numerical skills. Their grasp of correspondences was weak
at pre-test and did not change as a consequence of the intervention.
Two further analyses, carried out for this paper, supported the idea that children’s
grasp of correspondences has a specific impact on multiplicative reasoning problems.
The first was an analysis of the children’s progress in problems that did not include the
unit ratio and the second was an analysis of the partial correlations between pre- and
post-tests performance.
The first analysis showed significant differences between the repeated addition and
the correspondence group in problems that did not make the unit ratio explicit. The
groups did not differ significantly at pre-test: their pre-test means (out of 2) were 0.43
and 0.52 problems correct, respectively. At post-test, the repeated addition group
obtained a mean of 0.62 and the correspondence group a mean of 1.14 correct. About
half of the children in the correspondence group who had answered problems without
the unit ratio incorrectly at pre-test solved them correctly at post-test. In the repeated
addition group, only 15% of the children made progress from pre- to post-test on
these items.
This result suggests that the children in the repeated addition group continued to use
additive reasoning when asked to solve multiplicative reasoning problems after their
intervention. In contrast, the children in the correspondence group seemed to be able
to use a different model, based on correspondences, which was more appropriate for
the relations involved in these more complex problems.
In the second analysis, we expected to show, through partial correlations between
additive and multiplicative problems, that additive reasoning is distinct from
multiplicative reasoning. Our assumption, in these partial correlations, was that
variance shared in solutions to additive and multiplicative reasoning problems gives us
a measure of the children’s general numerical skills. We predicted that the partial
correlation between the pre- and post-tests addition tasks would remain significant
after controlling for performance on the pre-test multiplication task. This would
demonstrate a specific connection between additive reasoning measures after
partialling out these general numerical skills. For the same reasons, we also predicted
that the partial correlation between the pre- and post-tests multiplication tasks would
remain significant after controlling for performance on the pre-test addition task.
This would demonstrate a specific connection between multiplicative reasoning
measures after partialling out general numerical skills. However, we predicted that the
partial correlations between performance on the pre-test addition and post-test
multiplication tasks would not be significant after partialling out the effects of pre-test
multiplication performance. Analogously, the correlation between pre-test multipli-
cation and post-test addition tasks was expected to be non-significant after controlling
for pre-test multiplication performance.
In summary, we expected a significant partial correlation within problem type but a
non-significant partial correlation between problem types. This was the pattern that
actually emerged from the analysis. Table 1 displays these results.
Table 1. Bivariate and partial correlations between performance on the pre- and post-tests (N ¼ 42)
Bivariate correlations
Pre-test addition
Pre-test multiplication
Post-test addition
Partial correlations controlling for
pre-test multiplication
Pre-test addition
Partial correlations controlling for
pre-test addition
Pre-test multiplication
Pre-test multiplication Post-test addition Post-test multiplication
Correlations significant at p , :01:
These results support the idea that there are general cognitive and numerical skills
that influence performance both in additive and multiplicative reasoning tasks but that
there is also a specific component in multiplicative reasoning, which is independent of
additive reasoning and vice versa. Children’s informal knowledge of multiplication at
pre-test was a specific predictor of their post-test performance in multiplicative
reasoning problems; children’s pre-test performance on the additive reasoning
problems was also a specific predictor of their performance in the additive reasoning
problems at post-test.

Our second study investigated whether it is possible to improve younger children’s use
of correspondence reasoning to solve multiplicative relations problems.

The children (N ¼ 32) were recruited from two schools in Oxford and were in their first
year in school; their mean age was 5 years 4 months (range 4 years 8 months to 5 years
9 months). They had received no teaching about multiplication and division in school.

The children were randomly assigned either to a training group, which received
instruction on multiplicative reasoning, or to a control group, which was taught how to
solve visual analysis problems. These latter problems were similar in structure to the
items used in the British Abilities Scale-II (BAS-II) matrices subtest. Our aims in offering
this training to the control group were: (1) to expose the control group to the same
number of one-to-one sessions with the researcher as the experimental group; (2) to
work with them on non-numerical, reasoning problems, in view of our finding in Study 1
that children can improve in a set of non-trained problems just from learning how to use
blocks to represent stories as a way to solve the problems; and (3) to assess whether the
control group maintained a comparable level of motivation during their own training.
Our predictions were: (1) that the experimental group would make significantly
more progress in multiplicative reasoning problems than the control group due to their
specific experience with one-to-many correspondence during training; (2) that the
experimental group would also make significantly more progress than the control group
in additive reasoning problems due to the general numerical skill that they would
develop during the training; and (3) that the children in the control group would make
significantly more progress in the BAS-II matrices subtest than the experimental group,
due to their training in visual analysis.
The children were given a pre-test before the intervention started, and two post-
tests, one immediately after the teaching had been completed and one about 2–4 weeks
after the teaching had been completed.
At pre-test, they were given 12 multiplicative reasoning problems (6 multiplication
and 6 division problems), 6 additive reasoning problems, and the matrices subtest of the
BAS-II (Elliott, Smith, & McCulloch, 1997), which assesses children’s visual analytical
skills. In this subtest of the BAS, the children are presented with an array of figures
displayed in a matrix (2 £ 2 or 3 £ 3). The figure at the right-bottom corner is missing.
The child is asked to choose the correct one to complete the matrix, from six
alternatives. The missing figure is predictable from the pattern: e.g. three crosses in the
first column, three black circles in the second column, and two white triangles in the
third column; the bottom figure in this column is missing.
The children were given the same measures of additive and multiplicative reasoning
in both post-tests as in the pre-test. Our aim in the analysis of the additive reasoning
problems was twofold: (1) to test whether the children in the experimental group had
learned correspondence procedures in a mechanical and unreflective way or whether
they analysed the relations in the problems before implementing the solution; and (2) to
test whether they would improve more than the children in the control group, who did
not solve numerical problems during the intervention, in the additive reasoning
problems as a consequence of having developed their general numerical skills. If they
had learned to use correspondences mechanically, they should show a decline in
performance in additive reasoning problems by the inappropriate use of one-to-many
correspondence procedures. If they developed their general numerical skills through
the intervention, they should show some progress in additive reasoning.

Both interventions consisted of two teaching sessions, administered individually by a
researcher. The children in the intervention group solved five multiplication and five
division problems in each session. The researcher asked the child to construct first a
representation of the situation, using manipulatives to signify the objects mentioned
in the problems; if the child did not spontaneously set the manipulatives in the
appropriate form of one-to-many correspondence, the researcher encouraged the
child to do so. For example, one multiplication problem was: three lorries are
bringing tables to the school; each lorry is carrying four tables; how many tables are
they bringing to school? The children were given cut-out figures of lorries and some
cubes, and were encouraged to show what the problem had indicated. They received
further directives, as required: for example, if the child made the correspondence for
one lorry and stopped, the experimenter suggested showing the correspondence
for the other lorries before answering the question. For division problems, the same
strategy was to be implemented but the question was not about the total: e.g. a boy
has 12 marbles; he wants to put the same number inside each of these two bags;
how many marbles will go in each bag? The children had cut out circles to represent
the bags and cubes to represent the marbles. The use of these simple manipulatives
to represent different objects at different times during the sessions did not cause any
difficulty for the children.
The children in the control group worked individually with the researcher and
solved visual analysis problems for a comparable period (approximately 25–30 min for
each session).
The mean scores and standard deviations for the children in each group at pre-test and
both post-tests are presented in Table 2. The pre-test means show that the children in
this study had a much weaker performance in the multiplicative reasoning problems
than those in Study 1. They were, on average, 1 year younger than those in Study 1, and
also younger than US 1st graders (whose average age seems to be above 6 years).
Table 2. Means (out of 12) on the multiplicative reasoning tasks and standard deviations in the pre- and
post-tests by group
Testing occasion
Intervention group
Multiplicative reasoning (max 12)
Immediate post-test
Delayed post-test
Additive reasoning (max 6)
Immediate post-test
Delayed post-test
Table 2 also shows that the group that received instruction on correspondences
improved their performance considerably in the multiplicative reasoning problems: at
pre-test, 19% of their responses were correct and at the immediate post-test it was 61%,
an improvement of 42%. The intervention group also improved on the additive
reasoning problems: at pre-test, the rate of correct responses was 53% and at post-test
80%, an improvement of 27%. This indicates that they did not simply use
correspondence procedures after the intervention in an unreflective manner.
As Table 2 also shows, there was a difference between the groups in multiplicative
reasoning scores at pre-test. This is a risk in random assignment to treatment groups when
the number of participants is small. So we carried out an analysis of covariance to
compare the performance of the children in the two groups in the post-tests with the pre-
test scores as a covariate. The means on the two post-tests, immediate and delayed, were
the repeated measures in this analysis. The group membership, control versus
experimental, was the independent variable. This analysis showed that the overall effect
of testing occasion was not significant. The effect of the covariate was significant
(F 1;29 ¼ 15:07, p ¼ :001). The difference between intervention groups was significant
(F 1;29 ¼ 8:49, p ¼ :007) and the interaction between testing occasion and intervention
group was also significant (F 2;28 ¼ 8:87, p ¼ :006). Post hoc tests showed that the
difference between the groups was significant at both post-test occasions. Cohen’s d
effect size was calculated using the adjusted means and the pooled standard deviation for
the two groups on each testing occasion. The effect size for the immediate post-test was
1.26 and for the delayed post-test 1.03. So we can conclude that the intervention group
improved significantly more than the control group in multiplicative reasoning problems,
and a large effect size was observed despite the fact that the intervention was so brief.
In order to test whether children improve in problem solving from general
experiences in solving problems, even if they do not involve the same type of relations,
we compared the intervention’s and the control group’s improvement in additive
reasoning problems. We used an analysis of covariance, in which the covariate was the
children’s pre-test performance, to compare the intervention and control groups’
performance in additive reasoning problems. The immediate and delayed post-tests
were treated as repeated measures; the covariate was the pre-test measure; and the
dependent variable was the number of correct responses to the additive reasoning
problems. The covariate was significant (F 1;29 ¼ 6:83, p ¼ :014), the differences
between testing occasion were significant (F 1;29 ¼ 9:14, p ¼ :005) and the difference
between the groups was also significant (F 1;29 ¼ 13:24, p ¼ :001), as predicted. Cohen’s
d was 1.01 for the immediate post-test and 0.67 on the delayed post-test. These results
support the hypothesis that children can improve their general numerical problem-
solving skills through the experience of representing quantities numerically in order to
solve problems.
The same pattern of specific connections between the tasks observed in Study 1,
which were analysed through partial correlations, was observed in this study. The partial
correlations within tasks were significant and those between tasks were not. The partial
correlation between pre- and immediate post-test addition scores, controlling for
performance on the pre-test multiplication task was significant (r ¼ :41, p ¼ :01) and
the partial correlation between pre- and immediate post-test multiplication scores,
controlling for performance on the pre-test addition task was significant (r ¼ :50,
p ¼ :003). In contrast, the partial correlation between pre-test addition scores and post-
test multiplication scores, controlling for pre-test multiplication scores was not
significant (r ¼ :30, p . :05) and the partial correlation between pre-test multiplication
and post-test addition scores, controlling for pre-test addition scores, was not significant
(r ¼ :08, p . :05). The replication of the partial correlations in this study gives further
support to the idea that additive reasoning and multiplicative reasoning tasks are
distinct, apart from a shared variance that can be attributed to general numerical skills in
problem solving.
In order to assess whether the children in the control group had simply not been
interested in participation in the study, we compared their results in the BAS-II matrices
subtest with those obtained by the experimental group on the three testing occasions.
We used an analysis of covariance parallel to those described earlier on, with BAS-II
matrices subtest at pre-test as a covariate and both post-tests as repeated measures. The
group membership was the independent measure. This analysis showed a significant
effect of group membership (F 1;29 ¼ 13:85, p ¼ :001); the control group performed
significantly better than the intervention group in the control task, the BAS-II matrices
subtest, on both post-tests but not at pre-test. We conclude that the control group must
have remained motivated throughout the experiment and gained significantly from their
experience in the cognitive skill that they had practised during the study.
In summary, both groups in this study made gains during the intervention.
These gains were clearly related to the learning experiences that they had during the
teaching period.
We conclude that it is possible to teach young children to use one-to-many
correspondence reasoning to solve multiplicative reasoning problems. The 4- and
5-year-olds that participated in this study showed clear gains in their general numerical
skills and also in their ability to solve multiplicative reasoning problems long before they
would receive teaching about multiplication and division in school. The children were
actually quite young and their knowledge of addition and subtraction was still
developing, thus their ability to solve multiplicative reasoning problems would be
developing at the same time as their understanding of additive reasoning.
The importance of the correspondence scheme for teaching and learning
Adopting one of Piaget’s main hypotheses (see, for example, Piaget, 1950, 1952a,b), we
have argued elsewhere that the origin of children’s understanding of key mathematical
ideas is in their action schemes (Nunes & Bryant, 1996) and have provided both
longitudinal and intervention data to show a causal relation between children’s use of
action schemes to solve mathematical problems at school entry and their later mathematics
achievement (Nunes et al., 2007). One-to-many correspondence was one of the action
schemes included in our measure of children’s logical–mathematical reasoning.
In this previous study, we did not report the results of the longitudinal prediction
obtained from the children’s performance in the correspondence items and so we
report this result here. The outcome measure in our previous study was the children’s
performance in a government-designed and teacher-administered assessment of
mathematics achievement, which is obtained at the end of their second year in school.
The predictors were the children’s age at the time of the achievement test and several
measures obtained at school entry: (1) their general cognitive ability as measured by the
BAS-II, (2) working memory, assessed by means of counting recall, a subtest from the
working memory battery for children (Pickering & Gathercole, 2001), and our
assessment of their logico-mathematical reasoning, which included their understanding
of the inverse relation between addition and subtraction, one-to-many correspondences,
additive composition of number and seriation.
In order to address the significance of children’s ability to use correspondences to
solve multiplicative reasoning problems as a predictor, excluding the other items in our
measure from their score, we analysed how well the correspondence items predicted
the children’s mathematics achievement. There were 12 items that involved
correspondences and we obtained for all the children a score based only on these
12 items. We then ran a fixed order regression to test whether these items still added
significantly to the prediction of the children’s mathematics achievement, after
controlling for their age, BAS-II and working memory performance. This analysis
showed that, after controlling for the other predictors, the children’s performance still
added significantly to the prediction of their mathematics achievement (F 1;46 ¼ 5:05,
p , :05). The beta values showed that this was not a minor contribution; the largest beta
corresponded to the BAS-II scores (b ¼ 0:4, p , :001), followed by the value for the
children’s use of correspondences to solve multiplicative reasoning problems (b ¼ 0:3,
p ¼ :03); the remaining beta values were not significant.
This overview of the evidence on the role of correspondence reasoning for
children’s mathematics learning shows that this is indeed a key understanding
for children’s progress in mathematics. The use of correspondence reasoning allows
children to maintain a fixed ratio between two variables, and thus use a type of
reasoning that differs from part–whole reasoning and can form the basis for
understanding ratio and proportions.
Our current hypothesis is that the representation of ratio – i.e. of the relation
between the quantities in these situations – remains implicit. It is likely that the children
focus their attention on the quantities themselves in such problems and they may not
build an awareness of the relations between quantities. This would be entirely justified
by the types of questions that they are asked ‘how many’, which are about quantities.
For example, in multiplication situations they are asked about the total number of items
(e.g. in the problem mentioned earlier on, they are asked how many tables were brought
to the school) and in division situations they are asked about the quantities in a group
(e.g. how many marbles in each bag) or about the number of groups.
     Children often have some implicit knowledge, which they develop outside school and
which they can use in order to solve school problems. It is also quite commonly the case
that teachers need to develop children’s awareness of this implicit knowledge in order to
teach them something new. For some time now it has been recognized (Bryant & Bradley,
1985; Nunes & Bryant, 2009) that children have a good knowledge of the sounds of
their own language, which they use to speak and to discriminate between words that they
hear. However, this knowledge is implicit and must be rendered explicit to some extent
in order for them to learn to represent sounds using letters and to become literate.
We suggest that the same sort of approach may be needed for children to transform
their implicit understanding of fixed ratios, used in one-to-many correspondence action
schemes, into an understanding of ratio and proportions. This would allow them to
become conscious of the relations that they only deal with implicitly, and help them
build a conception of how relations between quantities are connected to the
mathematics that they use in solving problems. Further research is urgently needed to
test this idea, which may be very fruitful and help bring more success in mathematics to
many children in school.

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