The relative importance
of two different mathematical abilities
to mathematical achievement
Terezinha Nunes∗ ,
Peter Bryant, Rossana Barros and Kathy Sylva
Department of
Education, University of Oxford, UK
Two distinct abilities, mathematical reasoning and arithmetic skill, might make separate and specific contributions to mathematical achievement. However, there is little evidence to inform theory and educational practice on this matter.
Two distinct abilities, mathematical reasoning and arithmetic skill, might make separate and specific contributions to mathematical achievement. However, there is little evidence to inform theory and educational practice on this matter.
The aims of this study were (1) to assess whether mathematical reasoning and arithmetic make independent contributions to the longitudinal prediction of mathematical achievement over 5 years and (2) to test the specificity of this prediction.
The aims of this study were (1) to assess whether mathematical reasoning and arithmetic make independent contributions to the longitudinal prediction of mathematical achievement over 5 years and (2) to test the specificity of this prediction.
Data from Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) were available on 2,579 participants for analyses of KS2 achievement and on 1,680 for the analyses of KS3 achievement.
Data from Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) were available on 2,579 participants for analyses of KS2 achievement and on 1,680 for the analyses of KS3 achievement.
Hierarchical regression analyses were used to assess the independence and specificity of the contribution of mathematical reasoning and arithmetic skill to the prediction of achievement in KS2 and KS3 mathematics, science, and English. Age, intelligence, and working memory (WM) were controls in these analyses.
Hierarchical regression analyses were used to assess the independence and specificity of the contribution of mathematical reasoning and arithmetic skill to the prediction of achievement in KS2 and KS3 mathematics, science, and English. Age, intelligence, and working memory (WM) were controls in these analyses.
Mathematical reasoning and arithmetic did make independent contributions to the prediction of mathematical achievement; mathematical reasoning was by far the stronger predictor of the two. These predictions were specific in so far as these measures were more strongly related to mathematics than to science or English. Intelligence and WM were non-specific predictors; intelligence contributed more to the prediction of science than of maths, and WM predicted maths and English equally well.
Mathematical reasoning and arithmetic did make independent contributions to the prediction of mathematical achievement; mathematical reasoning was by far the stronger predictor of the two. These predictions were specific in so far as these measures were more strongly related to mathematics than to science or English. Intelligence and WM were non-specific predictors; intelligence contributed more to the prediction of science than of maths, and WM predicted maths and English equally well.
There is clear justification for making a distinction between mathemat-
There is clear justification for making a distinction between mathemat-
ical reasoning and
arithmetic skills. The implication is that schools must plan
to improve mathematical
reasoning as well as arithmetic skills.
The relative importance
of two different mathematical abilities to mathematical
The mathematical
problems that we give to children at school make two kinds of demand
on them. The most
obvious of the two is that children have to be able make the
calculation correctly.
The other demand, though less obvious, is also important. It is to
Figure 1. An example of
two additive reasoning problems that exemplify how the relations
the quantities
determine which calculation should be carried out.
analyse the
quantitative relations involved in the problem in order to work out
how to
manipulate the numbers
(e.g., what calculation they have to make or how to count).
For example, the
children’s task in both the problems in Figure 1 is to work out the
distance between the
boy and the girl when they both stop walking. Children certainly
have to be able to
calculate that 6–2 = 4 to solve the first of the two problems and
5 + 3 = 8 to solve the
second. However, they also need to reason that, because the two
children travelled in
the same direction in the first problem but in opposite directions
in the second, the final
gap between them is the shorter distance walked by the girl
subtracted from the
longer distance walked by the boy in the first problem, and in the
second problem, the gap
is the distance walked by the girl added to that walked by
the boy. This additive
reasoning involves an understanding of spatial relations and also
of additive composition
(e.g., that a 6-km length consists of a 2-km length plus a 4-km
The distinction between
reasoning about the relevant mathematical relations and
doing the calculation
applies in the same way to other kinds of arithmetical problems,
and the actual
quantitative relations that the child has to reason about vary with
the type of problem. In
many problems, the main decision that has to be made is
about the nature of the
relations, whether these are additive or multiplicative relations
(Vergnaud 1982; 1983).
The quantitative relations that the child must consider in additive
reasoning problems are
part-whole relations, and in multiplicative reasoning, problems
are one-to-many
correspondences (Becker 1993; Nunes, Bryant, Evans, & Bell 2010)
proportional relations
(Vergnaud 1983). Figure 2 presents two problems, one additive
and one multiplicative,
in which there are no verbal expressions that could give a clue to
the type of relation,
such as ‘got x from’, ‘gave y to’, ‘each has z’. In such
problems, which
include a reference to
a practical situation, the oral presentation does not contribute to
the choice of
Children who succeed in
these problems often do not carry out computations but
count, and what they
count and how they count depends on the relations they establish
between the different
quantities in the problems (for a discussion of the use of counting
Figure 2. An additive
reasoning (left) and a multiplicative reasoning (right) problem that
children often
solve by reasoning and
counting rather than calculating.
in both problems, see
Nunes & Bryant 1996). Previous research (e.g., Brown 1981;
Cramer, Post, &
Currier 1993; De Bock, Van Dooren, Janssens, & Verschaffel 2002;
Van Dooren, Bock,
Hessels, Janssens, & Verschaffel 2004; Verschaffel, Greer, &
Corte 2007) shows that
children sometimes use additive reasoning when multiplicative
reasoning is required
and that the opposite is also true. Even after apparently correctly
deciding that a problem
is multiplicative, there are still decisions to be made, which
involve whether to
multiply or divide and, in the latter case, which number is the
dividend and which is
the divisor. These are is not always easy decisions for children,
who sometimes consider
the irrelevant feature number size when making these decisions
rather than the
relation between the quantities (e.g., De Corte, Verschaffel, &
Van Coillie
1988; Greer 1988).
These examples do not
exhaust the types of reasoning that children need to carry
out in mathematics in
school: they clearly also need to reason about space relations in
order to learn
geometry, about relations between numbers within an operation (e.g.,
for the same dividend,
the bigger the divisor, the smaller the quotient; the order of
the addends in an
addition does not affect the total), and about relations between
operations (addition
and subtraction are inverse operations; multiplication and division
are inverse
operations). Much interesting research has been carried out about
understanding of these
relations (e.g., see Siegler & Stern 1998, for the inverse
between addition and
subtraction; see Baroody & Gannon 1984, for commutativity).
Some of this research
shows that children understand such relations first in the context
of quantities and only
later as number relations (e.g., Bryant, Christie & Rendu 1999)
and that the type of
situation affects whether the number relations are understood or
not (e.g., Nunes &
Bryant 1995; Squire & Bryant 2003).
The distinction between
calculating and reasoning raises an interesting question
about how well children
learn mathematics at school. It is whether two quite separable
abilities may play a
part in children’s mathematical learning: these are the ability to
about the underlying
quantitative relations in arithmetical problems and the ability to
calculate. These two
abilities may make separate and independent contributions to
individual children’s
progress in mathematics at school. If this were so, it would be
interesting and
important to know about the relative strengths of these two
of schoolchildren’s
success in mathematical learning.
There is little direct
evidence, at the moment, either on the question of the two
separate abilities or
on the relative importance of the two abilities, in children’s
success in
mathematics at school.
There is also little evidence on whether these abilities, which are
easy to distinguish
conceptually, can also be distinguished empirically, using
methods. There are
longitudinal studies of how well children’s number knowledge and
computational skills
predict their success in learning about mathematics (De Smedt,
Verschaffel, &
Ghesqui`re 2009; Durand, Hulme, Larkin, & Snowling 2005; Jordan,
Levine &
Huttenlocher 1994; Jordan & Montani 1997; Krajewski &
Schneider 2009), and
there is one study on
how children’s mathematical reasoning at kindergarten predicts
their mathematics
achievement in the first year in school (van de Rijt, van Luit, &
Pennings 1999). The
results of this research, on the whole, have been positive.
children’s success in
tests of arithmetic and number skills and mathematical reasoning
do predict how well
they learn mathematics at school later on. However, these are
separate studies and,
thus, cannot provide information on the independence and the
relative contribution
of mathematical reasoning and of arithmetic to the prediction of
achievement. Stern (1999) carried out an interesting and
longitudinal study of
children’s mathematical abilities between the ages of 4 and 12
years, which did
involve both calculation and reasoning problems. However, her report
of the results of this
study did not include measures of the children’s achievement in
mathematics at school.
To our knowledge, only
one longitudinal study has included measures of both arith-
metic and mathematical
reasoning and analysed their predictive value for mathematics
achievement at school
(Nunes et al., 2007). Its results were quite positive and indicated
that mathematical
reasoning and arithmetic make independent contributions to the
prediction of
mathematics achievement. The prediction was specific, in the sense
it could not be
explained by general intelligence or working memory (WM), because
these were controlled
for in the regression analyses.
It is often, and very
plausibly, argued that children’s general ability to handle
information has an
important effect on how well they learn mathematics. The aspect of
information processing
that has received the most attention as a possible determinant
of children’s
mathematical learning is WM. When children use a procedure, such as
addition, to solve a
problem, they need to keep in mind the information in the problem
and the steps they must
take to implement the solution, while monitoring what they
have done and what
still needs to be done. WM should affect how well they can
keep this information
in mind and, thus, their success with the procedure. Different
researchers have shown
a connection between WM and arithmetic computations (e.g.,
Adams & Hitch 1997;
Bull & Johnston 1997; D’Amico & Guarnera 2005; De Smedt,
Janssen, Bouwens,
Verschaffel, Boets, & Ghesqui`re 2009; Hitch & McAuley 1991;
McLean & Hitch
1999; Siegel & Linder 1984; Siegel & Ryan 1989; Towse &
1995). The connection
between WM and mathematical achievement is also supported
by experimental studies
that show that disrupting WM interferes with arithmetic
performance and by
evidence that children who have mathematical difficulties tend
to produce low scores
in WM tasks (Barrouillet & L´pine 2005; Passolunghi & Siegel
2004). Because it is
quite plausible that WM not only predicts children’s arithmetic
but also explains why
arithmetic skills and mathematical reasoning predict mathematics
achievement (Geary &
Brown 1991; Swanson & Beebe-Frankenberger 2004), WM should
be used as a control in
predictive studies whose aim is to show a specific connection of
mathematical reasoning
and arithmetic with mathematical achievement.
General intelligence is
an ability defined more broadly than WM because it includes
intelligence as well, which might affect how well children do in
So, predictive studies
should control for WM and general intelligence in order to test
whether predictors such
as mathematical reasoning and arithmetic have a specific
connection with
mathematical achievement.
It is most unlikely
that general intelligence and WM affect children’s mathematical
learning only or even
that they affect their progress in mathematics more than in non-
mathematical subjects,
since it is hard to think of any intellectual activity that does not
involve intelligence
and WM. This raises a second issue related to specificity. WM and
intelligence measures
predict children’s success in mathematics but would probably
be just as strongly
related to non-mathematical subjects as well, whereas, according to
our hypothesis,
mathematical reasoning and arithmetic should be specific predictors
achievement and not very good predictors of non-mathematical school
subjects such as
Thus, research on the
relationship between children’s abilities and their success in a
particular subject,
such as mathematics, should deal with the question of specificity in
two senses.
Mathematical reasoning and arithmetic seem on the face of it to be
that will specifically
affect children’s progress in mathematics but not in other, non-
mathematical subjects,
such as English. This, however, needs to be checked empirically,
which can be done in a
longitudinal study by putting in control outcome measures. The
issue of specificity
is relevant to the choice of predictive, as well as of outcome
One simply has to see
how well the abilities in question predict children’s success in
subjects as well as in mathematics. If the role that the two
play in children’s
progress in school is specific to mathematics, the children’s
scores on
measures of these
abilities should predict their mathematical success much better than
their success in
English or in some other non-mathematical outcome measure. This kind
of design is all too
rare in developmental and educational research. It has occasionally
been adopted in
longitudinal studies of children’s reading (Bradley & Bryant
1983), but
we know of no study of
children’s mathematics that has included such controls, though
in our view, they
should be regarded as an important part of longitudinal research on
any aspect of
children’s learning.
To summarize, our
knowledge of the abilities that influence children’s mathematical
learning at school is
fragmentary. Measures of children’s mathematical reasoning, of
their calculation
skills and of their intelligence and WM are related to their
knowledge, but there is
little research to show to what extent these represent
separate abilities or
whether each of them makes independent predictions of children’s
mathematical progress
or what their relative importance is. Nor do we know how specific
the links are between
these predictive measures and mathematics. Yet, the answers to
these unsolved
questions are important. They will affect what children are taught in
mathematics and how
this teaching is organized. To put this in the form of concrete
questions, should
teachers emphasize mathematical reasoning more than they do now?
Would it be better to
concentrate on strengthening the children’s calculation skills? Is
there a case for trying
to improve children’s WM, and would such an improvement
influence their
progress in non-mathematical as well as in mathematical skills?
The present study
We shall describe the
results of longitudinal research over a period of 5 years with a
number of children that
provides some answers to these questions. We employed four
predictive measures,
which were of children’s quantitative reasoning, of their
skills, of their
general intelligence, and their WM. Working with a sample from the
Longitudinal Study of
Parents and Children (ALSPAC), we investigated the links between
these measures and the
children’s performance in three school subjects, Mathematics,
Science, and English
over the subsequent 5 years.
The large body of data
in the project includes information about the children’s
educational progress,
including their progress in mathematics, and their performance
in psychological tests
such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III;
Wechsler 1992) and a
Test of Mathematical Reasoning; the latter two assessments were
given to the children
when they were in their fourth year in school.
The WISC includes (1) a
sub-test, backward digit recall, which is a measure of WM
that Gersten, Jordan
and Flojo (2005) identified as a reliable predictor of mathematical
difficulties and (2) a
sub-test, Arithmetic, designed to assess numerical skills.
The Test of
Mathematical Reasoning was designed by Nunes and Bryant (see Nunes,
Campos, Magina, &
Bryant 2001), drawing on the work of van den Heuvel-Panhuizen
(1990). The items in
these tests require very simple arithmetic computations but make
clear demands on
relational reasoning.
The children’s mean
age when they were given the WISC was 8 years 6 months, and
their mean age when
they took the mathematical reasoning test was 8 years 9 months.
The project also
contains information about the participants’ results in two stan-
dardized tests of
mathematical achievement, designed by the UK government and
administered by
teachers, referred to as Key Stage Assessments. One assessment, Key
Stage 2 (KS2), was
given to the children when they were in sixth grade; their mean age
at the time was 11
years and 2 months. The second assessment, Key Stage 3 (KS3), was
given to the children
when they were in ninth grade; their mean age at the time was
14 years and 1 month.
Both KS tests measure a variety of aspects of mathematics and
are seen as
ecologically valid measures of mathematical achievement because of
the role
that they play in the
British educational system.
longitudinal study of children born in Avon in the West of England in
1991–92. Golding,
Pembey, Jones, and the ALSPAC team (2001) described the variety of
methods used to engage
the interest of pregnant women in participating, which were
wide reaching in the
community and engaged the cooperation of health professionals
working with pregnant
women. At the time of recruitment, the ALSPAC team compared
the sample with that
described in the British national sample of the Child Health and
Education study and
found the ALSPAC sample to be comparable to the national sample
in many ways, including
rural versus urban living, ethnic background, and prevalence of
different health
indicators (for details, see Golding et al. 2001). The
characteristics of the
sample originally
recruited for ALSPAC are reflected in the samples analysed here.
there was not much
selective attrition in the sample in terms of ethnic background or
Relative importance of
different mathematical abilities to mathematical achievement
maternal occupation at
KS2 or KS3 (for details on the sample, see Nunes, Bryant, Sylva,
& Barros 2009). In
the sample analysed for KS2 results, 48% of the children are boys and
52% are girls; in the
sample analysed for KS3 results, 47% of the children are boys and
53% are girls.
The children were
recruited for participation in the measures considered here in two
ways. For the
individually administered measure (the WISC), they were recruited by
letter sent to the
mother inviting her to attend a clinic. If no response was obtained,
second letter was sent.
The ALSPAC data base contains information on the IQ of 7,354
The mathematical
reasoning assessment was administered to the children by the
teachers. Teachers were
invited to participate if there was a child in the class who was
included in the ALSPAC
sample; 5,234 children were given the mathematical reasoning
KS2 and KS3 mathematics
are also administered by teachers but these are not optional;
they are part of the
information required by the government from the schools for
monitoring school
performance. The ALSPAC database contains presently information
on 12,472 for KS2 and
8,519 children for KS3 results. The decrease in sample size from
KS2 to KS3 results from
the fact that, when the data were analysed, KS3 data were not
available for the
children born later, in 1992.
In total, full
information regarding all the measures used in this study was
on 2,579 participants
for the analyses of KS2 mathematical achievement and for 1,680
for the analyses of KS3
Mathematical reasoning.
The mathematical reasoning task included three types of
items, additive
reasoning about quantities, additive reasoning about relations, and
reasoning items. Additive reasoning items involve part-whole
(Carpenter, Ansell,
Franke, Fennema, & Weisbeck 1993; Carpenter & Moser 1982;
Vergnaud 1982); the
parts can be static (i.e., two parts form a whole) or involve change
(i.e., a quantity is
added to or subtracted from an original one). Within the domain of
part-whole relations,
one can ask questions about quantities or about relations. The latter
can involve, for
example, comparisons (e.g., how much more does x have than y?) or
distance (how far is x
from y?), as illustrated by the items in Figure 1 (developed from
an item used by Brown
1981). Examples of additive reasoning items are presented in
Figures 1 and 2, left.
reasoning items involve proportional relations between two quantities
(Vergnaud 1983).
Figures 2, right, and 3 illustrate multiplicative reasoning items
used in
this study; the example
on the left, Figure 3, was adapted from van den Heuvel-Panhuizen
All items are presented
orally with the support of pictures, which reduces memory
demands and affords the
use of a variety of strategies in finding the numerical answers: for
example, counting,
addition, or multiplication might be used to solve the item presented
in Figure 3, left. The
children’s booklets, where they are asked to write their answers,
contain no text, only
drawings; the story is read by the teacher to the class.
The assessment contains
a total of 17 items and it is not timed; administration usually
takes approximately
25–30 min. The child’s score is the number of correct answers.
Figure 3. Two
multiplicative reasoning problems in which the arithmetic is quite
simple, once the
student knows how to
think about the relations between quantities.
Cronbach’s alpha
inter-item reliability for this assessment was 0.74; thus, the
had a good level of
internal consistency (Kline 1999).
Arithmetic. The WISC
Arithmetic sub-test was used to assess children’s computational
ability. It is a
standardized measure of arithmetic knowledge, in which the questions
are presented as word
problems that place little demand on relational reasoning.
The arithmetic required
to solve the problems becomes progressively more difficult,
although, the
relational reasoning demanded of the child does not increase. For
item 8 is: ’Joseph
has 5 cakes. He gives 1 to Sam and 1 to Alice. How many does he have
left?’ and item 18
is: ’A shop had 25 cartons of milk and sold 14 of them. How many
cartons were left?’
When small numbers are used, pre-school children show high rates of
success in such
problems (Becker 1993; Carpenter, Hiebert, & Moser, 1981;
Carpenter &
Moser 1982; Carpenter
et al. 1993); a result interpreted in the literature as demonstrating
that these problems
require little relational reasoning (Vergnaud 1979; 1982). The child
is required to solve
all the problems without the use of paper and pencil and the test is
interrupted after three
consecutive failures. The child’s score is the number of correctly
answered questions. The
split-half reliability for 8-year-olds is 0.78 (Wechsler 1992, p.
60); and the average
correlation with the Wide Range Achievement Test Arithmetic
Score is .62 (Wechsler
1992, p. 76), which makes this a valid and economical assessment
of children’s
arithmetic knowledge, thus, suited for large-scale studies such as
Working memory (WM).
The most common measure of WM used in longitudinal
predictive research of
mathematical achievement and difficulties is the Backward Digit
Recall, which is one of
the sub-tests in the WISC-III (Wechsler 1992) and also a sub-test
in the Working Memory
Battery for Children (Pickering & Gathercole 2001). In this
sub-test, children hear
a series of digits and are asked to repeat them in the reverse
order. The number of
digits to be recalled is increased by one over the trials until the
children can no longer
recall the digits in the correct order. The child’s score is the
highest number of
digits correctly recalled in the reverse order in four (of six)
of the same span.
According to Pickering and Gathercole (2001), backward digit recall
has a high loading on
the central executive factor of WM, which is a strong predictor
of mathematical
achievement (Gathercole & Pickering 2000). The split-half
reliability of
the WISC-III Digit
Recall for age 8 is 0.84 (Wechsler 1992, p. 60).
As argued earlier on,
it is important to control for WM to assess whether the relation
of mathematical
reasoning and arithmetic to mathematical achievement is specific.
measure will be used in
regression analyses, each with one of the outcome measures,
where this subtest will
be the only measure of information processing used as a
intelligence. It was expected that children’s performance in a
of general intelligence
correlates significantly with all three of the above predictors and
also with the
children’s mathematical achievement. It was, therefore, desirable
to include
a measure of general
intelligence as a control in the regression analyses. The measure
used in this study was
the WISC-III (Wechsler 1992). For the regression analyses, the
general IQ was
estimated on the basis of 10 sub-tests; the sub-tests Arithmetic and
Span (forward and
backward recall) were excluded from the estimation, as these were
entered separately in
the analyses.
Outcome measures
The outcome measures of
mathematical achievement were standardized assessments
designed by the British
government to measure school standards. They are administered
and scored by the
teachers, and often used to make decisions about students’
in mathematics
attainment streams. Therefore, these are not only ecologically valid
measures but also
high-stake tests. The tests are redesigned each year; the
in this study took the
tests in different years as they are from different birth cohorts;
majority took KS2 tests
in 2003 and KS3 tests in 2006. The descriptions presented here
are taken from KS2 in
2003 and KS3 in 2006.
KS2 had three papers
(see QCA 2003:;
students were allowed
to use a calculator only in one of these. All papers were timed;
the mental arithmetic
paper was timed by question and the other two were timed
as a whole. The papers
assess a variety of aspects of mathematical knowledge that
children are taught
about by the time they reach their sixth year in primary school:
for example, knowledge
of decimals, arithmetic (calculation and problem solving),
geometric reasoning,
measurement of space and time, identification of number patterns
of sequences of figures,
graph reading (line and bar graphs).
The mental arithmetic
paper includes mostly questions with no references to
quantities but simply
to numbers (e.g., ‘divide ninety by three’; ‘subtract one point
nine from two point
seven’; ‘when h has the value twelve, calculate five h minus
but there are also
questions that asses knowledge of scales of measurement and involve
calculation (e.g., ‘how
many grams are in 12 kilograms’; ‘how much must I add to
four point ninety to
make six pounds’) and questions related to geometry (e.g., ‘look
at the figures on the
paper; put a ring around the figure which has only one line of
symmetry’ and ‘look
at the clock; what angle is made by the hands of the clock when at
four o’clock’;
‘calculate the perimeter of a rectangle which is eleven meters long
and four
meters wide’.) Only
two of the 20 questions in this paper made reference to a practical
situation (e.g., ‘A
yogurt costs forty-five pence. How many yogurts can be bought for
pounds?’). This paper
is more similar to the WISC arithmetic than to the mathematical
reasoning assessment.
The second paper to be
answered without a calculator included 26 items, distributed
in different categories
such as calculation either as a direct command (e.g., ’calculate
309 – 198’;
‘calculate 2307 × 8’) or in numerical expressions with one
missing number
represented by a box
(e.g., ‘600 × 4 = box’; ‘50 ÷ box = 2.5’). Item also
referred to
measurement and money
(e.g., ‘how many coins of only 1 p, only 10 p or only 20 p do you
need to have £1.60’),
reading tables and graphs, rounding numbers, identifying patterns
in series of numbers
and figures, naming geometrical figures, calculating percentages,
and perimeter. Six
items referred to practical situations; five of these do not require
much relational
reasoning (e.g., ‘Tom and Nadia have 16 cards each, Tom gives Nadia
of his cards, how many
cards do Tom and Nadia each have now?’) and one does require
relational reasoning
because it is about unequal division (‘30 children are going on a
It costs £5 including
lunch. Some children take their own packed lunch and pay only £3.
The 30 children pay a
total of £110. How many children are taking their packed lunch?’)
The paper in which the
children are allowed to use a calculator contains similar types
of questions but with
larger numbers and fractions. There are seven (of 24) items that use
numbers without a
reference to quantities; in general, the calculations are more
in this paper than in
the preceding one. For example, the missing number problems with
a box include questions
such as ‘37 × box = 111’; ‘225 – box = 115’ and ‘box ×
box =
378’. Calculations
also involve larger numbers such as ‘what is 3/8 of 980’. Number
relations are explored
in questions such as ‘here are five digit cards [the digits are
1 to 5]; fill in the
boxes to make this sum correct [the children have to fill in three
addends, one with a
single digit and two with two digits]; the result is 60’ and ‘Karen
makes a fraction using
two number cards. She says, my fraction is equivalent to1/2. One
of the number cards is
6. What could Karen’s fraction be? Give both possible answers’; ‘
+ m + n = 1500; m is
three times as big as n; k is twice as big as n; calculate the
m, k and n’. Although
these problems do not involve reference to practical situations,
they involve thinking
about relations between numbers. Problems that refer to practical
situations used in this
paper sometimes require the students to obtain information from
graphs or tables and
sometimes present the information in words; seven of 24 items can
be described as word
problem in this sense. An example of a simple word problem is
‘there are 5 balloons
in a packet. There are 18 packets in a box. How many balloons
are there altogether in
a box?’ An example of a more difficult word problem is ‘250 000
people visited a theme
park in one year. 15% of the people visited the park in April and
40% visited the park in
August. How many people visited the park in the rest of the
year?’). The
remaining 10 items are about geometry (e.g., ‘draw two straight
lines from
point A to divide the
shaded shape into a square and a triangle’; ‘which of the
below shows is a
reflection of the mirror line for this figure’), measurement
[e.g., ‘Here
is a clock (a digital
display shows 14:53). What time will the clock show in 20 minutes’;
‘write these lengths
in order, starting with the shortest: 1/2 m; 3.5 cm; 25 mm; 20 cm’]
and probability (a
square pinner is divided into unequal sections; the students are
to verify which
statements about the probability of the spinner stopping at one
are correct).
This detailed
description shows that there is a wide range of items in the papers.
Although the mental
calculation paper is mostly about numbers without reference to
quantities, and could
be seen as giving greater weight to arithmetic than reasoning in
the KS tests,
calculation and reasoning are for success in the three papers.
KS3 tests are
administered 3 years after the KS2 tests. Similar to KS2, there are
papers in KS3 tests,
one of which is mental arithmetic, and calculators are allowed in
one of the papers. KS3
papers are designed for four different levels of difficulty to avoid
giving the most
difficult papers to students who would find them too frustrating.
there are 12 different
papers for KS3; a detailed description of these tests is beyond the
scope of this paper.
Suffice it to say here that they include questions designed to
the same topics
included in KS2 at a higher level of difficulty. Three new topics
proof, probability, and
algebra; questions about fractions, calculations with decimals,
and missing numbers in
expressions involve larger values. Some calculation questions
in the paper in which
the students are not allowed to use a calculator explore the
understanding of properties of operations. For example, students are
asked in
one question: ‘part
a: show that 9 × 28 is 252; part b: What is 27 × 28? You can use
part a to help you’.
The KS tests provide
two types of score, one in attainment level, which varies between
1 and 9, and a points
measure, which is a finer numerical scale. Our analyses showed
no difference in the
pattern of results produced by the two scales. We report here the
analyses carried out
with the finer score. The two scales do not vary in range across the
years in which the
tests were given.
The children in the
sample included two cohorts, as they were born on different
years, and thus, they
took different tests. In each case, we ran the overall analyses with
both cohorts and also
separately by cohort. The results replicated the patterns across
cohorts; so, we report
here only the overall results, in which both samples are combined.
The correlations in
Table 1 provide some preliminary information about the relationships
between predictors and
outcome measures. The control measures, WM, and general
intelligence, and the
two predictor variables, arithmetic and mathematical reasoning,
were correlated with
each other as well as with each of the outcome measures.
The correlations
between mathematical reasoning and the mathematics tests at
11 (.66) and 14 years
(.68) were stronger than those between arithmetic and each
of these outcome
measures. It is noteworthy that mathematical reasoning and general
intelligence show
almost the same correlations with each of these two measures of
achievement. WM shows weaker correlations with the outcome measures
of mathematics than
mathematical reasoning. Thus, the children’s ability to reason
quantitative relations
was a particularly good predictor of their progress in mathematics
over the next 5 years.
The children’s
arithmetic scores also predicted their performance in the national
of mathematics well
(0.57 with the 11-year and 0.58 with the 14-year national tests of
mathematics), though
not as strongly as their mathematics reasoning scores had done.
The children’s
general intelligence was more strongly related with their mathematics
achievement than
arithmetic, but arithmetic scores had higher correlations with the
outcome measures than
Table 1 also provides
some preliminary evidence on the question of specificity. We
had argued that the
children’s scores in the mathematical reasoning and arithmetic
would predict their
progress in mathematics more strongly than in science or English.
Table 1. Correlations
between each of the predictors (mathematical reasoning and
arithmetic), control
measures (IQ estimate
and backward digit span) and outcome measures (KS2 and 3 Mathematics)
IQ estimate
without WM
and arithmetic
digit span
IQ estimate without WM
and Arithmetic
Backwards digit span
Mathematical reasoning
KS2 Math
KS3 Math
KS2 Science
KS3 Science
KS2 English
KS3 English
Correlation is
significant at the .01 level (two-tailed).
Correlation is
significant at the .05 level (two-tailed).
N = 2,413 for KS2
outcome analyses; N = 1,588 for KS3 outcome analyses
We expected that the
two measures of general processing ability, WM and general
intelligence, would
show similar correlations with mathematics, science, and English.
This hypothesis
receives some support from the correlational analysis. Mathematical
reasoning and
arithmetic both show stronger correlations with the mathematics tests
than with the science
and English tests; the differences between the correlations
between the predictors
with mathematics and with science or English are significant
statistically both at
KS2 and KS3. This result is not surprising because the sample
size was rather large
in both analyses, and N-3 is one of the terms in the numerator
of the formula for
calculating the t value when comparing correlations in correlated
samples (Ferguson
1971). Therefore, this information becomes more important when
one considers whether
the correlations between the cognitive measures of intelligence
and WM with KS2 and KS3
mathematics also differed significantly from those observed
for English and science
KS tests.
First, one should note
that the correlation between general intelligence and achieve-
ment in science is
actually higher both at KS2 and KS3 than the correlation between
general intelligence
and mathematical achievement. Although the difference in the
coefficients is small,
one must conclude that general intelligence predicts science
achievement at least as
well as it predicts mathematical achievement. It is noteworthy that
the opposite is true
when it comes to English achievement: general intelligence predicts
mathematics (and
science) better, and significantly so, than English achievement. At
KS2, the difference
between the correlations of general intelligence with mathematical
achievement (r = .63)
and with English achievement (r = .60), although small, still
reaches significance
at .01 level (t = 3.37; p < .01).
In contrast, the
children’s WM scores predicted the students’ performance in
mathematics and English
better than it predicted their science achievement at both
KS tests. The
correlation between WM and mathematical achievement did not differ
significantly from the
correlation between WM and English achievement at KS2 (t =
1.17; ns), but this
difference was significant at KS3 (t = 3.933; p < .01).
This close look at the
correlations, therefore, suggests that both general intelligence
and WM cannot be seen
as specific predictors of mathematics, as the first predicts
achievement better than
mathematics, whereas, the second predicted KS2 mathematics
and English achievement
equally well, in spite of the effect of the very large sample size
on the statistical
comparison between correlations.
Finally, we turn to the
relations among the predictors and the controls. The correlation
between mathematical
reasoning and arithmetic was quite high (r = .49) but far from
perfect. The reason for
the strength of this correlation may be that the children could
use an arithmetical
calculation in each of the mathematical reasoning items (although, as
pointed out, they could
also solve many problems by reasoning and counting). Although
we did our best to make
sure that the calculations did not tax the arithmetical skills,
they may still have
done so for some of the children in the project. This would have
led to the correlation
between mathematical reasoning and the arithmetic task, which
only measures ability
to calculate correctly. We, therefore, had to control for the link
between the two
predictors in any further examination of the relationship between
mathematical reasoning,
and we shall report how we did this in multiple regressions in
the next section.
The correlations
between these two tasks and the controls, WM and general intelli-
gence, were positive
and significant; they were higher for general intelligence and lower
for WM. The existence
of these correlations also emphasized the importance for us, when
considering the
relationship between each of the predictors and the various outcome
measures, to control
for the impact of the other two predictors. This is an important test
of the specificity of
the relationship between the predictors, mathematical reasoning
and arithmetic, and the
outcome measures, KS2 and KS3 mathematics attainment.
Multiple regressions:
Prediction of mathematical achievement
The next question was
whether the two predictors – mathematical reasoning and arith-
metic – made
independent contributions to the prediction of mathematics
In order to test
whether these contributions are specific to the measures, rather
explained by more
general abilities, we will in these analyses control for WM and
intelligence. We used
four hierarchical, fixed-order multiple regressions to answer this
question. The outcome
measure in two analyses was the children’s performance in
mathematics tests at 11
years (KS2, see Table 2), and in the other two analyses, it was
their performance in
mathematics tests at 14 years (KS3, see Table 3). The difference
between each pair of
analyses was the predictor that was entered as the last step in the
equation. Mathematical
reasoning was the last step in one analysis and arithmetic in the
other. This allowed us
to see if each of the two variables accounted for a significant
amount of variance in
the outcome measure after the effect of the other predictor had
been controlled.
The first point to
note about the two pairs of regressions is that they accounted for
a highly satisfactory
amount of the variance in the children’s performance in the two
assessments. The multiple regressions in which the children’s
achievement at 11 years
(KS2, Table 2) was the outcome measure accounted for 58% of
the variance in that
measure. The analyses accounted for 62% of the total variance in the
achievement in mathematics at 14 years (KS3; Table3), which is a very
level for a
longitudinal predictive analysis over a period of 5 years.
Both tables show that
each of the two predictors accounted for a significant amount
of additional variance
in KS mathematics 2 and 3, after controlling for all the other
independent variables
in the analysis. Thus, each predictor made an independent
contribution to
predicting children’s mathematical achievement over the next 5
Table 2. Prediction of
achievement in KS2 mathematics. Two multiple regressions in which the
three variables entered
were the controls: (1) age at key stage assessment; (2) IQ; and (3)
WM. The
fourth and fifth steps
are changed across analyses to test whether the main predictors make
contributions to the
prediction of KS2 attainment. The B and  coefficients are those
for the regression
when all the predictors
have been entered (N = 2,413)
Step in regression
All regressions first
Second step
Age at outcome
WISC IQ estimate
without arithmetic and
WISC arithmetic
Maths reasoning task
Maths reasoning task
WISC arithmetic
R2 change
error of B
Third step
First regression
Fourth step
Fifth step
Second regression
Foutth step
Fifth step
Significant at p Ͻ
This prediction is
specific in the sense that it cannot be explained by general
such as age,
intelligence, and WM.
The tables also show
that the  value for mathematical reasoning was higher
than for all the other
measures, including general intelligence, in the prediction of
mathematical attainment at 11 years. The  co-efficient was higher
for general
intelligence than for
mathematical reasoning in predicting the children’s mathematical
achievement at 14 years
but was still far greater for mathematical reasoning than for
Table 3. Prediction of
achievement in KS3 mathematics. Two multiple regressions in which the
three variables entered
were the controls: (1) age at key stage assessment; (2) IQ; and (3)
WM. The
fourth and fifth steps
are changed across analyses to test whether the main predictors make
contributions to the
prediction of KS3 attainment. The B and  coefficients are those
for the regression
when all the predictors
have been entered (N = 1,595)
Step in regression
All regressions first
Second step
Age at outcome
WISC IQ estimate
without arithmetic and
WISC arithmetic
Math reasoning task
Math reasoning task
WISC arithmetic
R2 change
error of B
Third step
First regression
Fourth step
Fifth step
Second regression
Fourth step
Fifth step
Significant at p Ͻ
the other variables.
There is a remarkable consistency in the results of the two analyses:
the order of importance
of the two predictors is the same – mathematical reasoning is
a stronger predictor
than arithmetic – and the  values are also quite similar. This
an impressive
replication, considering that the two outcome measures of mathematics
achievement are
different and were given to the children 3 years apart.
Multiple regressions:
Specificity of prediction
The children were also
given national assessments of science and of English at the same
time as they took the
mathematics assessments. This allowed us to investigate how
specific to
mathematics was the pattern of relationships that we have just
The children’s
mathematical reasoning scores, and to a lesser extent their
scores, predicted their
mathematical achievement over the following 5 years relatively
well. Was this relative
success in the predictive power of these two variables specific
to their mathematical
achievement, or did they predict other outcome measures just
as well? We expected
the first of these two alternative answers would be the right
one, because our
hypothesis was that the relative success of these two predictors was
specifically due to
mathematical factors. For example, we claimed that the outstanding
success of the
mathematical reasoning task as a predictor was due to its success in
children’s ability to
reason about quantities.
The second question was
whether the children’s WM and intelligence scores would
predict their
achievement in non-mathematical subjects as well as in mathematics.
hypothesis was that
variation in children’s WM and intelligence would play as large a
part in the children’s
achievement in subjects such as English as in their mathematics
because of the general
information processing skills measured by these tests.
Our aim was to compare
the strength of the relations among each of the two
predictors and each of
the controls and each of these three kinds of outcome measures.
We had already done the
appropriate analyses with achievement in mathematics as
the outcome measure
(see Tables 2 and 3). We now carried out additional multiple
regressions with
exactly the same five predictor variables as in the regressions that
described in Tables 2
and 3, but with different outcome measures. There were four new
outcome measures: the
national test scores in science at 11 and at 14 years and the
English scores at 11
and 14 years.
Table 4 presents the 
values for the relationship between the three main predictors
and the three kinds of
outcome measure (achievement in mathematics, science and
English at 11 and 14
years). The figures in this table support our hypothesis about
the predictive power of
the arithmetic and also about WM and general intelligence.
We had predicted that
the arithmetic scores would be much more strongly related to
achievement in the
national tests in mathematics than in science and English and that
WM and general
intelligence scores, in contrast, would predict achievement in non-
mathematical as well as
in mathematical subjects. Table 4 shows that the children’s
arithmetic scores had
higher  coefficients in the regressions with mathematics as the
outcome measure than in
regressions with science and English as the outcomes. The
table also shows that
the WM and intelligence scores were as strongly related to the
achievement in English as in mathematics and science both in the 11-
in the 14-year national
achievement tests. As we expected, there was no evidence that
these measures of
general processing are more important in learning about mathematics
than about either of
the other two subjects.
Table 4 did provide one
surprise. We had expected that the mathematical reasoning
scores would be far
more strongly related to achievement in mathematics than either
Table 4. The relations
between the specific predictors and the controls and the children’s
in mathematics,
science, and English
Outcome measures:
Achievement tests at 11 years
Percent of total
variance explained by all five steps in the regression
Mathematical reasoning
General Intelligence
Outcome measures:
Achievement tests at 14 –years
Percent of total
variance explained by all five steps in the regression
Mathematical reasoning
General Intelligence
in science or in
English, and the results showed that this was strikingly the case.
The children’s
mathematical reasoning scores were very strongly related to their
achievement in
mathematics, as we have already noted, while the relations between
predictor and science
and English were much lower. So, these figures do demonstrate
the specificity in the
relationship between mathematical reasoning and children’s
achievement that we had expected.
However, the children’s
mathematical reasoning scores also predicted their achieve-
ment in science a great
deal better than their achievement in English, as well as predicting
science achievement
much better than arithmetic and WM did. What is the reason for
this relatively strong
relationship between the children’s mathematical reasoning and
their achievement in
science? One possibility is that it is due to the strong mathematical
element that
undoubtedly is a part of the scientific curriculum. Scientific
involve a great deal of
measurement and calculation, of course, and many scientific
concepts, such as
density and temperature, are intensive quantities (Howe, Nunes, &
Bryant 2010; Howe,
Nunes, Bryant, Bell, & Desli 2010; Nunes & Bryant 2008;
Desli, & Bell 2003)
and their measurement is based on ratios; children, therefore, have
to be able to reason
about proportions to understand several aspects of science. None
of this is true of
English lessons. Therefore, the reason for the quite high connection
between children’s
mathematical reasoning and their eventual achievement in science
may exist for
specifically mathematical reasons. So, the pattern of predictions
that we
have just described
actually supports the idea of a highly specific connection between
mathematical reasoning
and children’s understanding and use of mathematics.
It is also interesting
that the children’s scores in arithmetic did not predict their
achievement in science
any better than in English. This suggests that, in learning about
science, it is more
important for children to be able to reason about quantities than to
manage to do the actual
calculations correctly.
As far as we know, ours
is the first large-scale longitudinal study to have measured
the contribution of
mathematical reasoning separately from mathematical calculation,
to children’s school
mathematical achievement. Therefore, the finding of a particularly
strong link between
children’s reasoning and their mathematical achievement in school
is a result of
considerable importance. This result makes a significant
contribution to
the debate on how much
emphasis teachers should give to mathematical reasoning
and to knowledge of
arithmetic in the classroom. Time is a precious resource in the
classroom, and our
results suggest that greater investment in developing students’
ematical reasoning
should produce a higher pay-off in terms of students’ mathematical
Arithmetic made a
smaller, but nevertheless significant and independent contribution,
to the children’s
achievement in mathematics. WM and general intelligence also made
contributions to the prediction of mathematical achievement. The
bution of WM was
relatively modest in size, but still consistently significant even
controlling for general
intelligence. The contribution of general intelligence was compa-
rable to that of
mathematical reasoning at age 11 years but slightly higher at age 14
Although mathematical
reasoning and knowledge of arithmetic were significantly and
moderately correlated,
their separate and independent contributions to the prediction
of mathematics
achievement signify that they should be treated as distinct
For some time,
researchers in psychology and mathematics education have made a
distinction between
procedural and conceptual knowledge, most often using qualitative
descriptions of
students’ problem solving activities, in which the students reveal
they have some
procedural knowledge without understanding or, alternatively, some
conceptual knowledge in
the absence of related procedural skills (see, e.g., Hiebert
& Lefevre 1986;
Rittle-Johnson & Siegler 1998). However, procedural and
knowledge are highly
correlated (Hallett, Nunes, & Bryant 2010; Rittle-Johnson,
& Alibali 2001),
and this makes it difficult to justify their independence with
methods such as factor
analyses, which only consider the relationship between measures
of procedural and
conceptual knowledge. This study provides a clear empirical basis
for distinguishing
mathematical reasoning as a form of conceptual knowledge and
knowledge of arithmetic
as separate constructs.
An important next step
will be to explore the boundary between these two forms of
knowledge. We are
certain that all the items in our reasoning task were genuine tests
of quantitative
reasoning: this reasoning was about part-whole relations and additive
composition, and
one-to-many correspondence and proportions, and had an adequate
level of difficulty
for this age level. Working with a younger cohort, Nunes et al.
used items that
assessed reasoning about one-to-one and one-to-many correspondence,
additive composition
and the inverse relation between addition and subtraction as
predictors of
mathematics achievement for younger children. Future research on the
impact of children’s
reasoning on their mathematical achievement at school could
explore other aspects
of reasoning as well as different aspects of children’s knowledge
of arithmetic.
We are also confident
that the task that we used to test children’s ability to calculate
was also valid. All the
questions in the arithmetic task are quite explicit about the
calculation that is
needed, and thus, the constraint on the children’s performance is
not how well they
reason but how well they do the calculation that they are asked
to do. However, there
are many other tasks that could be used in predictive studies,
and which could shed
light on the relationship between arithmetic and mathematical
reasoning. Recently,
for example, there has been a great deal of interest in the
of children using an
internal number line to judge which of two numbers is the larger.
The evidence for the
existence of this form of representation is the ‘distance effect’
takes the form of
discriminations between numbers that are further apart from each
other being easier than
discriminations between numbers that are close to each other
(Butterworth 2005;
Dehaene 1997; Durand et al. 2005; De Smedt et al. 2009). Because
the judgements in such
comparison tasks are about the number system, they could be
relevant to children’s
ability to use numbers to make calculations. However, it could
be argued that they are
also about simple quantitative relations (larger, smaller) and
would, therefore, count
as reasoning as well. Longitudinal research that includes such
tasks as well as the
reasoning and arithmetic tasks that were included in our study could
contribute to a better
understanding of the role that the abilities measured by such tasks
play in mathematical
The multiple
regressions, in which the outcome measures were science and English,
demonstrated a strong
specificity in the relations between mathematical reasoning and
arithmetic and the
children’s progress in mathematics at school. Both variables
mathematical achievement much better than their achievement in
which is an entirely
non-mathematical subject. This strongly suggests that these two vari-
ables predict
mathematics because they are measures of specific mathematical
The relatively strong
relation between the children’s mathematical reasoning scores
and their achievement
in science suggests that mathematical reasoning also plays an
important part in
children’s learning about science at school. We need to know the
reason for this
undoubtedly important connection. Our suggestion is that it is at
partly due to the
mathematical nature of some basic scientific concepts. Temperature
and density, for
example, are intensive quantities: this means that both variables are
based on ratios and,
thus, make demands on children’s proportional reasoning. Thus,
density is the ratio of
mass to volume, and children will only understand how to vary
density and what the
effects of such variations will be if they grasp density’s
nature. This idea, and
other possible alternative ideas, about the reason for the strong
relationship between
mathematical reasoning and children’s scientific achievement need
to be investigated. In
general, the link between children’s mathematical knowledge and
their progress in
learning about science is a neglected topic, but our results suggest
it is an important one.
Our study provides
strong evidence that mathematical reasoning should receive a
greater emphasis than
calculation skills from the early years in primary school and
arguably to the end of
secondary school. This innovation should produce gains in
mathematical and scientific achievement in the future.
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